All the things a SAHM should do!
I'm pretty much a SAHM (stay at home mom) and I LOVE it. I do work, teaching piano lessons from my home and I help my mom about one day a week, but mostly, I'm home.
I had a lot of ideas of what it was going to be like to be home most hours of the day. I thought about all the tasks I would accomplish and all the free time I would have. Ahhhhh, what a luxurious life!
What??? You're laughing??? Pshh.
Here is a list of things I was going to do in all my spare time as a SAHM, and behind them is my list of accomplishments related to them. You'll see I've done real well.
- Clean my house. Everyday. Oh, it was going to be SO clean. Mopped floors, dusted baseboards, no cobwebs. (Ha! The dishes get done. Most days. Maybe more like every other day.)
- Bake scones, souffle, creme brulee and other fancy things that include cranberries, white chocolate and poached pears. All things my friend Annalise does with two babies! (I'm still working on box brownies thankyouverymuch.)
- Or I was at least going to bake cookies. (Grocer's refrigerator section, frozen cookie dough. Yes and amen.)
- Drink tea, burn incense and worship God. In my long hippie skirt, of course. (Does wearing my nursing pajamas while crying, "please God, help me with this crying baby" count?)
- Paint my bathroom. (No. It has to be cleaned first.)
- Bake treats for my piano students every other week or so. (I'm just glad I make it to piano lessons, dressed, mind you.)
- Visit and talk with my friends, Carma and Devora. (Hi, ladies. How ya doing?)
- Walk with my friend, April. (Yeah....)
- Play piano and sing with my friend Beth. (Beth and I did that. In 2009. Oh yeah, that was pre-India.)
- Go to the Y and workout. Everyday. With Jen, Beth and now Tami. (One time I did this!!)
- I was going to garden with my friend/neighbor Jessica. And probably look at interior decorating magazines with her. (I wave to her across the street as we come and go.)
- Make homemade bread. (The only bread we are eating is pre-sliced from a plastic bag.)
- Make lots more homemade food for that matter. (I have perfected "fancy" Mac N Cheese. Mac N Cheese with lemon pepper.)
- Re-finish my kitchen table. (Tablecloth.)
- Sew curtains for our house, and toys and accessories for India. (Peeping toms are welcome. As are store bought toys.)
- Garden, garden, garden. (It's winter. Sheesh, people. I have HUGE plans for spring! You just wait!)
- Play piano, guitar and bass guitar. (I play piano. Have for years. Still playing the same songs I played years ago too.)
- Sell all my crap on eBay. (I have nothing to report on this. I have however, bought a few things on eBay.)
- Do exercises videos while my baby plays alone on a blanket. (hahaha, "baby plays alone..." hahaha)
- Go out and shop at stores. (If I was dressed, I would do this.)
- Look smokin' hot, nicely perfumed, dressed in an apron everyday when my husband came home to the smell of fresh baked cookies or bread. Or creme brulee. (Most days my glasses are still on as well as yesterday's smudged make-up. I also still smell of yesterday's spit-up.)
- Do my hair and make up everyday. (Does yesterday's make-up count?)
- Get dressed. Everyday. In real clothes. (Pajamas.)
As you can see, I haven't been very productive as far as that list is concerned. I guess didn't know that taking care of a baby would demand more time from me than when I worked before India was born.
She wakes up from a nap, diaper change, time to nurse/check Facebook, puke on clothes, change clothes, start laundry, play, send an e-mail, eat a little bit of cold food(me), baby gets a hold of food and spills it everywhere, clean up spilled food, baby falls down, calm crying baby who bumped her head, put baby in carrier, begin dinner prep only to realize you don't have milk, google "milk replacement" and get sucked into a vegan website, answer phone, entertain baby, put clothes in the dryer, diaper explosion, diaper change, shush baby to sleep, clean up poo-splosion, baby prematurely wakes crying, shush her back to sleep, fold laundry, finish eating cold food, work on blog, start more laundry, baby wakes. I didn't even get to start on dinner, the dishes, the bills, or get the bathroom cleaned. Repeat every 2-4 hours.
Forget about souffle. I just have my eyes set on a shower!
Ahhhhh, just think of all the time I'll have once I have a second baby and they can entertain each other. I'll be free! Yep, I'll save this list for then. ;-)
Labels: baby-wearing, family, funny, motherhood, my husband, parenting, piano, secrets