Monday, April 30, 2012

Facebook Picture Stalker Dilemma

I love to make fun of our Facebook habits.  Well, my Facebook habits in particular.  No one else gets awkward on Facebook.  Like ending every phrase with either LOL or a :) ...I'm guessing I'm the only one who does that.  I find myself doing little weird things.  

I just realized that I'm afraid to 'like' something that's more than a few days old, or heaven forbid, a couple of years old!  Why?  Because that someone WILL know that I'm stalking tham and was creeping on their profile.  Pictures in particular.  I made a little funny to poke fun at myself and the Facebook dilemma I sometimes face...

But I'm sure I'm the only one who goes through this!

Friday, April 27, 2012

5 Question Friday! 4/27/12

I haven't posted in two weeks!  TWO WEEKS!  That is probably the longest hiatus I've taken in over a year!  I have lots of blog posts all written and the general ideas formulated, it's just this time of year my garden and outside playtime takes precedent.  So, in order to make up for it, I'm going to really, really, answer these questions with all my heart.  You like that?  All my heart?  Because it has me really laughing out loud! 

Anyways, here is to Five Question Friday, and as always, link up at Five Crooked Halos!  Have a wonderful weekend!

1. Do you make your kids finish all the food on their plates?

Nah...she's pretty young and I'm pretty sure she knows when she's hungry and when she's not.  However, I do strategically plan what goes on her plate at what time.  For instance, fruits and veggies go on last otherwise, she would only eat those!

2. Do you give an allowance?

(I love talking about money and finances, so brace yourself!)

Not yet.  When she is older and money has a little more value, she will get most likely get some sort of allowance, per age, per chores done.  One family I know gives 50 cents a week per age.  So, when she's three, she would get $1.50 a week if she completed her chores.  I like that idea.  

Also, my dad made my sister and I save half of our income and put it in a mutual fund for us.  I hated turning in $5 of my hard-earned $10 after babysitting all day (and sometimes I'd "forget"), but to have thousands of dollars saved when I was an adult was SO nice!  My kids will do the same.  Tithe 10% (at least), save 50%, keep the remaining 40%.  I run a super tight budget for our family, which has given us much freedom and no debts (even though we're eligible for every type of government assistance that there is) and I'll teach my kids how to live on a budget from the get-go!

When I find change around the house or in the car or in pockets, it goes in her Forever Savings, meaning it's going to seem like forever until she can touch it!  Ha!  As it stands right now, all the money India has gotten for birthdays and holidays is saved and will be in her Forever Savings.  I've had people give me grief as to why I don't let her use that money on candy or toys that she really likes, but I'm guessing that in the long run she'll be much more appreciative of a large chunk of money when she really needs it versus a bag of gummy bears right now.

3. Do you actually park your car in the garage?

Haha, no!  Our garage is a storage area!  We used to and it's our goal to one day do that again, but our sweet daughter has been given lots of outside toys and they take up a good portion of our single stall garage.

4. What is one food you will NEVER cook?

Never?  That's a strong word!  :)   I'm pretty sure I'd cook almost anything.

5. Do you have anything exciting planned for the summer?

Nah, not really.  Nothing life-changing happening here.  Oh wait, yes, actually something really cool IS happening this summer!  I'm having a baby!  :)  Yep, another sweet, yummy-smelling, little one will join our family!  I'm getting to the point where I can hardly wait to meet this little one!  I'm so excited to get to know him or her and have some new love in our family!


Friday, April 13, 2012

5 Question Friday! 4/13/12

Hi everyone!  Happy Friday!  Take some time to answer these questions in your head or out loud or link up your blog or Facebook with Five Cooked Halos.  Enjoy!  

1. Who mows your grass?

The husband.  Can you see a bit of resentment in my voice as I write that?  Because there is.  Growing up, mowing the lawn, nearly 6 acres of it, was my job and I LOVED it.  In the country, alternating different bikini tops every week so I could get a good tan, lots of singing and chasing garter snakes = the time of my life!  I haven't mowed the lawn in years because guess what?  My husband loves that job, too!  I will sneak out sometimes and use the weed whacker and go to town on the areas our mower can't reach.  

2. Do you have a picture wall or picture gallery in your house (show us! <--- my addition to the question)?

No.  This question has to do with my dear husband, again.  I need his help to hang up pictures and well, let's just say it's not at the top of his priority list!  I've honestly kind of forgot about it, so I'm not too upset with it.

3. What book has influenced your thinking the most? Or, what blog? (I want to read what gets people thinking!)

The Christian answer would be the Bible.  But really, it is the Bible.  Not to sound all full of cliches but it has lots of answers and ideas in it that I use as a reference often.

4. Do you have allergies? If so, how do you handle it this time of year?

I don't have traditional allergies.  I actually have allergic reactions to something really common: water....but I don't feel like having a sympathy party right now, so I'm not going to explain too much.  I tell very few people that fact because it's so awkward to explain.  :)  I am allergic to some other things, but a penicillin allergy rarely interferes with my daily life!  I feel for people that do suffer from seasonal allergies because I know what it's like to live in that discomfort.

5. What's your go to meal to cook in an hurry?

5 minutes: Eggs.
10 minutes: Grilled sandwiches.
20 minutes: Spaghetti.


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Happy Easter!

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Monday, April 9, 2012

Cloth Diapering Away From Home and On The Go!

Before I begin this post, let me say this: I only have one kid.  Don't hold me responsible for what I do once I have two children!  I'm just hoping and praying my oldest daughter, India, will be potty-learned before baby #2 is born this summer. 

I cloth diaper away from home.  Shocking, yes.  Not every cloth diaperer does this and I can understand.  I normally don't go longer than two days away from home in cloth diapers without access to laundry machines.  I'm going to share with you today some tips and pointers for making it easy to cloth diaper away from home!

1. Get a good wetbag. (A wetbag is a bag with PUL lining, covered with fabric, which is closed by a zipper). No one wants a stanky poopy stinkin' up their diaper bag.  So, get a good wetbag that can, for the most part, hide any stank that would be trying to make itself known.  Some people are cool with a plastic grocery bag, but I prefer something a little more reusable.  I like Planet Wise wetbags as they are pretty fashionable!

2. Use a disposable liner.
  I'm not talking about a disposable insert (although those are great, too), but a disposable liner that easily lines a diaper and can be flushed or thrown out if soiled.  If it's just wet you can either save it to reuse it, wash it or toss it.  With no potty sprayer nearby, disposable liners are the perfect accessory to cloth diapering away from home. Imse Vimse liners are my favorite and can be reused multiple times.

3. When in cloth, use cloth wipes.  I use cloth wipes at home and I find it easier when using cloth diapers away from home, to use cloth wipes as well.  Nothing easier than wiping off the baby, rolling it all up and tossing it in your wetbag.  The few times I have used disposable wipes, I've found it hard to leave the baby on the changing table and go and toss the wipe, because heaven forbid you leave that thing with the dirty diaper and wash it!  I will wet some wipes in a plastic bag so they're all ready to go.  Of course, I do have backup disposable wipes with as well for those, what I like to term, 6-wipers.

4. Use your most convenient diapers when out and about.  I use prefolds almost exclusively at home, but when I'm spending the afternoon shopping, I have All-In-Ones and pockets (pre-stuffed) with.  You want to make the change as quick and seamless as possible.

5. If needed, save the poop for at home.  If your baby drops a dirty and you aren't using a disposable liner or the disposable liner has failed you in some way, wrap the dirty diaper up and stick it in the wetbag, to be taken care of AS SOON as you get home.  This is also a useful option when you don't want your baby walking or crawling around the public restroom while you clean up. But, DO NOT forget about this soiled diaper for days on end...I may or may not speak from experience. ;-)

A cloth diaper on the go!

Happy Cloth Diapering!

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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

$10 Starbucks for $5

I normally don't do stuff like this but there is a great deal today for $10 Starbucks gift card for $5 on Google Offers.  Plus, $3 of every purchase is donated to charity!


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30 Day Marriage Challenge

I'm sure none of you ever nag your husbands like I do.  And you don't interrupt during a discussion to get your point across.  And you definitely go whole days without correcting your husband.  You know, because I never do those things!  *wink, wink*

My friend, Kelly, at 2 to 1 Odds posted this 30 Day Marriage Challenge.  The point of it is to follow the list and do the challenge allotted for that day.  Now, most of these things aren't that difficult to do. And most days, I generally don't have a problem with any of these things.  But some days I do. 

I admit, we have a pretty great marriage, but I can always spend more time encouraging my husband or listening to him.

The point isn't to do every single one of these things every day, but to be more conscious and maybe do something you wouldn't normally, hug your husband three times in one day.   

30 Day Marriage Challenge.  Image source

If you want to join in this quest with me, set the photo above as your desktop background or print it out and put it on your fridge or some other spot where you'll be reminded of it.  As always, feel free to adapt some days or repeat other days.  

Don't get caught up in the legalism of it, but instead, remember, this is supposed to be a blessing to your marriage!  After all, what can it hurt? 

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