Friday, June 29, 2012

5 Question Friday: 6/29/12

Hi everyone!  It's just me here!  It's a been a while since we've had a 5 Question Friday and as heat waves are blasting the US right now, what better option than to sit on your couch, read my 5 questions and then answer your own! 

1. What's your favorite childhood snack that you still eat as an adult?
Marshmallows.  I know.  Bad!  But I love roasted marshmallows.  I'll skip the chocolate and graham crackers with a S'more and just toast marshmallow after marshmallow.  If they catch fire, no bueno.  I roast them perfectly over warm coals and get them nice and brown! YUM! 
2. What food will you not eat the low fat version of?

Everything!  Gross.  We have full fat everything in our house.  I used to think low fat or now fat meant healthy, but I now know that's totally not the case.  I know people think low fat will keep the pounds off, but it's just not true. Here's a little blurb about low fat diets and lifestyle.  And another one that details why fats are good for you.

3. What's your favorite way to cool off during the summer?

Ummm, I don't like clothes in general, so the less I have on, the better.  Not in winter, then I like to be all bundled up.  So yeah, if I can go mostly nekkid around my house, I'm content.  That's why it's best for people to call ahead before they visit.  You never know what might scar your eyes if you show up unannounced!  Besides, I've spent a lot of time breastfeeding in the last two years, and with a new little one arriving in the next month, you can guess I'll be spending a lot more time like that soon! 

I do like tubing down the river, too.  THAT is my all-time favorite activity ever!

4. What's your favorite summer read?

Magazines.  I don't read too many books because I cheat and skip ahead, but magazine articles (or blog posts) can hold my attention.

5. What are you doing to stay cool in this awful heat?

I live in MN so it's definitely NOT awful here at all.  It's very mild in the summer here.  It's expected to hit a high of 87 F, which is calm compared to many other places I've been or what many of you are experiencing.  You'll won't hear me complain about the heat because I love it!

Have a great weekend, everyone! 


Thursday, June 14, 2012

Tropical Traditions Gold Label Coconut Oil Review and Giveaway!

You don't have to hang out around my house for very long to know that I'm a big fan of Tropical Traditions Gold Label Coconut Oil!  I feel like its uses are endless!  We use it a lot to prevent rashes on the diaper bum, as a skin moisturizer, to protect from sunburn and mostly, in cooking.  I put it in our food daily and will quite often use it in place of butter.  The health benefits of coconut oil are amazing!

A quick search for coconut oil and you will realize there are different qualities - cold pressed, organic, refined, - all words which can be confusing.  In all my searching, no other company stands out as having the best and most clearly defined coconut oil as Tropical Traditions.  I was thrilled when I was given a 32 oz jar of their Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil to try out. 


Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil - gallon.Win 1 gallon of Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil!
Tropical Traditions is America's source for coconut oil. Their Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil is hand crafted in small batches by family producers, and it is the highest quality coconut oil they offer. You can read more about how virgin coconut oil is different from other coconut oils on their website: What is Virgin Coconut Oil?

Tropical Traditions also carries other varieties of affordable high quality coconut oil. Visit their website to check on current sales, to learn about the many uses of coconut oil, and to read about all the advantages of buying coconut oil online. Since the FDA does not want us to discuss the health benefits of coconut oil on a page where it is being sold or given away, here is the best website to read about the health benefits of coconut oil.

Tropical Traditions' Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil is the highest quality of coconut oil you can find.  Made from freshly harvested organic coconuts from the Philippines, this coconut oil lives up to its reputation as the absolute best!  India even likes to eat it by the spoonful!  If you're more of a visual learner like I am, Tropical Traditions has a great YouTube channel, complete with recipes

I've had this and another brand of coconut oil at my house for the last couple of months and I've been using both of them, for comparison's sake.  Hands down, Tropical Traditions Gold Label Coconut Oil wins!  It just tastes better!

Thanks to a generous offer from Tropical Traditions, one lucky Uniquely Normal Mom reader will be chosen to win a quart of Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil! (Open to US or Canada residents only.)

To be entered to win, please complete the Rafflecopter entries below!

Disclaimer: Tropical Traditions provided me with a free sample of this product to review, and I was under no obligation to review it if I so chose.  Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review or sponsor a product giveaway in return for the free product.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: At the Zoo with Daddy

Enthralled with the chimpanzees at the zoo!

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Monday, June 4, 2012

The Differences Between First and Second Pregnancies

I learned a few things with my first pregnancy.  Don't we all?  Being pregnant for the first time really provokes a lot of amazing emotions and feelings.  The excitement, wonder, gratefulness and mild anxiety fill nearly every waking moment.

You still have those same feelings with a second (and I assume subsequent) pregnancy, except it is now spread between the baby growing within and the little one dancing around your feet.  Or playing in the toilet water.

I've been making this list since the first trimester, editing as I went along.  Here are a few differences I've noticed between a first and second pregnancy.

1. You get bigger faster.  

Just like everyone says.  AND, it just may happen overnight!  I didn't wear very many maternity clothes with my first pregnancy and stayed in regular jeans the whole time.  I thought that getting back into shape would also keep me from expanding more than I did with my first pregnancy, but even getting my 6-pack abs back (don't judge me, they're hereditary) didn't do a thing for me.  I was actually in better physical shape starting pregnancy #2 versus pregnancy #1.  

This picture comparison details it perfectly.  They were both taken at about 30 weeks, but in the second picture, I look about the size I did when I was 35 weeks with my first pregnancy, even though I'm about 10 pounds lighter.  Go figure!  I did have a cheeseburger and fries for lunch and 6 pieces of pizza for dinner, so I know it's exaggerated a bit, but still.

30 weeks with Baby #1 and 30 weeks with Baby #2

2. People aren't as excited.  

Just because you maybe had crying, cheering, hugs and lots of congratulations the first time around doesn't mean you'll be met with the same reception the second time.  For us, when we shared our exciting news, some people were thrilled, some were happy and some acted like we told them we were getting a new pair of socks or a pet fish.  We had friends and strangers that we more excited than some family members.  Yes, it can be hurtful, but revel with those who are excited about you and your bump!  Try not to let it get to you - you are the parent and you know how amazing and precious this life is! 

3. You don't get bothered as much.  

The fact that people leave you alone in a way, don't ask you about every personal detail and sometimes don't ask a thing at all about your pregnancy can be an OK thing.  As a first time mom, everyone has an advice, story, thought, question, or raised eyebrow to give you.  

Also, I knew to expect the same questions every time we saw people the first time around.  I haven't noticed that as much with this pregnancy.  They either figure I've got it down or maybe they think I'm too far gone!   

4. You don't buy lots of crap.  

You know now that you need very few things for a baby.  Boobs, a bed, diapers and some clothes and most of the time, you have a content baby.  I knew that I didn't need much with my first pregnancy, and didn't buy the usual crib, bedding set with 2 matching lamps, 3 types of bouncers/rockers, and every toy marketed to the 0-3 month age, but I still did cave with a few things.  You learn that babies don't really care about toys at that age, the lamp will break, your second baby is a different gender rendering the crib bedding useless, and your kid hated all 3 bouncers.

5. You still need things.

Even though you don't get sucked into all the baby paraphernalia, you still realize that this time, you're getting this, this and that.  I naively assumed that because we got all we needed with baby #1, we wouldn't need much for baby #2.  Wrong.  Things wear out, break, get lost or get recalled.  And it's not just clothes.  You realize that instead of this, that would be more beneficial.  

If you're like me, you're going to splurge on something you didn't get the first time around and just made work (small size cloth diapers) and get what you want instead (newborn cloth diapers).  And of course, there are the additional expenses that you never had before like, a place to sleep for two children and a double stroller (yes, I want one because I need exercise to keep sane).

6. You don't have time to dote.   

Maybe it's because I was sick all the time with my daughter, but I remember reading baby name books and recording videos of her kicking in my tummy and singing to her.  I've been lucky to take weekly pictures of my pregnancy progression this pregnancy and haven't had time to read more than a book or two relating to pregnancy.  Sometimes I feel guilty that every time I talk to this baby, India interrupts or grabs my belly or has to come sit by me and talk to or kiss the baby, but that's just reality now. 

7. It goes faster!  

Can I get an AMEN?!  I really, really, really try not to complain while pregnant (in spite of some unhappy ailments) because I do want to be grateful for every day that I have the privilege of growing this little one in the best environment possible.  But, if I'm being honest, the majority of the last trimester could also be called I-can't-wait-to-get-this-baby-out-NOW trimester!  Because we don't find out the gender of our babies, the anticipation of baby's birth day is looked forward to!  

What differences did you notice between your first and second (or subsequent) pregnancies?  

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