Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Years Resolutions 2011

*I had this all ready to post on New Years, but with my Grandpa passing, I waited until now.  I hope you don't mind. :-)

Most people dislike New Years Resolutions. Why?  Well, mainly for two reasons. 

One, they don't want to conform to the general idea.  They don't want to be counted with the average person.  The idea of being an individual resonates with me in many other areas, but with New Years Resolutions, I'm ready to comply with the rest of society.

Secondly, they don't like the feeling of failure.  I think that is the most common reason.  Let me tell you - this recovering perfectionist understands!

Every year, around Thanksgiving, I begin to think about my goals for the upcoming year. 

Then, I set my New Years Resolutions and every year I fail at them.  I don't think I've ever succeeded in one.  Some of them over the years have been, but are not limited to:
  • Working out
  • Journaling
  • Spending time reading the Bible daily
  • Learn a new vocabulary word everyday (this was actually quite difficult)
  • Keep my house clean (this was even MORE difficult)
  • Write one snail mail letter or thank you a week
  • Stop cussing (Ha, normally, just a few short months later I try to give this up for lent)
But I'm not defeated by my failures.  They served their time and purpose, and at least got me thinking (some of them months in advance) about areas in my life that I would like to see change. 


You want to know what this year's resolutions are?  Of course you do, that's why you're reading!
  • Blog regularly.  I haven't decided on a "set" number of blog posts a month, but I do with to blog more often than last year.  Which shouldn't be hard considering I blogged more in the last four months of 2010 than I did in the previous eight combined.
  • Shop less at Walmart!  I wish I could give up Walmart totally, but the cheap prices, oh the cheap prices.  And yes, I know why they are so cheap, and that is why I'm convicted to shop there less.  Instead, support WAHM (work at home moms) & their gorgeous creations, local businesses, and companies that help society, not hurt it. 
  • Journal, journal and journal.  I love all my old journals, they are precious to me.  I have really neglected my personal journal since falling pregnant with India.  I also have a journal for her that I write in - milestones, notes of love, encouragement.  Someday, I want it to be filled with stories of her.
  • Get rid of crap in my house.  You know what happens when you move from an apartment to a house? You get crap, and fill that house full of it.  Unless you are Salena or Vanessa  - then you don't.  I want to get rid of about a quarter of my stuff.  I mean, my baby can't even crawl yet, and my basement is full of toys for her!  And all the boxes of stuff I've been planning on selling on eBay?  Hello, garage sale.
  • Stop being so mean to my husband.  I'm not always mean, but my husband is pretty sensitive, so I have to be careful how I say things.  I can be abrupt, and that hurts him.  I'm pretty curt or frank with him (whichever man you prefer lol!), and I need to pad my words more.  I've been working on this one for a while too.  *sigh*  I really am a work in progress.
  • Make more of our stuff from GOOD products.  Clothes and accessories for India, window coverings, meals made from whole foods, more garden produce, homemade yogurt, sprouted bread, etc.
Ahhh, 2011 Resolutions are set!  Actually, maybe not set, because I love to add an extra one here or there.

Do you make New Years Resolutions?  If you do, what are they?  Have you ever stuck with any of your resolutions?

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At January 11, 2011 at 4:00 PM , Blogger the mom~ said...

LOL, Unless your Salena or Vanessa..that made me laugh :) I do dislike crap.
I think those are all wonderful things you'd like to resolve. I think you are capable of these items and I want to cheer you on! GO GENEVIEVE!!!

At January 11, 2011 at 7:23 PM , Blogger mnmom3boys said...

I read your blogs and every time I think. I have thought or do these exact things. We should actually meet instead of via text and facebook. I started writing Oliver a journal when I found out he was coming. I did really well with his, I have one for the other boys too, I found them the other day and I guess when you have 3 boys once a year is all you can do:( So I vowed that I would write in there books more:)
I have supported WHAMS a lot, and I hate hate hate all that walmart is, I however hate more that our pocket book makes supporting WHAMS almost impossible at times. Tho I try my best to not shop at walmart unless absolutely necessary. (tho I hate every moment I am in Walmart)
I just this week got rid of pretty much all crap out of my bed room, and have vowed to keep it just how it is. I rearranged my kitchen so as to have it be orderly and neat. It does feel better to have that all done.

I wouldn't say I am mean to my husband, but I probably have no patients for him, and I am trying to have more patients.

Great blog again.
and if you ever want to get coffee or something let me know.

At January 11, 2011 at 7:42 PM , Blogger Lynnae said...

Oh Gen...this all sounds so familiar! Way to be honest about being mean to Dallas...I'm the same way with Dave and I need to be more careful:(

Some of my biggest resolutions this year are:
2. Read one book a month (which should hopefully make me get in bed earlier so I have time to read...which in turn should make me go to sleep earlier, right?!)
3. Read the Bible in a year (never done that, but always wanted to)

Of course I make about a dozen resolutions, but these are the highlights:)

Love you and your blog!

At January 12, 2011 at 8:48 AM , Blogger Vanessa said...

You made me laugh! But seriously great resolutions and you can do it. I did not really make resolutions this year. In my head I have goals or dreams that I want to accomplish this year. But they seem too private to announce to the world. I did blog about my desire to spend more time with my family and really get to know each one's individual likes/dislikes. I have had some really sweet times already this year with each person in my family that I don't think I would have had I not blogged about it and kept it in my mind.

At January 12, 2011 at 6:49 PM , Blogger Lisa B. said...

I don't make any official resolutions... this year, I simply plan to prioritize my life. Spend more time doing things I truly enjoy... and less time doing the thingsI don't :)

At January 12, 2011 at 10:26 PM , Blogger Uniquely Normal Mom said...

Thanks Salena! Thought you might like that! ;-)

Cheryl - yes, we have a lot in common! Can't wait to read your blog! And good on you for getting rid of crap!

I know Lynnae, we have the same stuff, again! Love it! Your resolutions sound great!

That is wonderful to hear, Vanessa! You have inspired me in that way also.

Lisa, I'm enjoying your blog, especially your 101 things! :-)

At August 9, 2011 at 12:10 PM , Anonymous Uniquely Normal said...

Thanks Salena! Thought you might like that! ;-)

Cheryl - yes, we have a lot in common! Can't wait to read your blog! And good on you for getting rid of crap!

I know Lynnae, we have the same stuff, again! Love it! Your resolutions sound great!

That is wonderful to hear, Vanessa! You have inspired me in that way also.

Lisa, I'm enjoying your blog, especially your 101 things! :-)

At August 9, 2011 at 12:10 PM , Anonymous Lynnae said...

Oh Gen...this all sounds so familiar! Way to be honest about being mean to Dallas...I'm the same way with Dave and I need to be more careful:(

Some of my biggest resolutions this year are:
2. Read one book a month (which should hopefully make me get in bed earlier so I have time to read...which in turn should make me go to sleep earlier, right?!)
3. Read the Bible in a year (never done that, but always wanted to)

Of course I make about a dozen resolutions, but these are the highlights:)

Love you and your blog!


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