2012 Resolutions: A Noble Goal!
New Year's Resolutions, while not for everyone, do serve as a great time of introspection and evaluation of the course of one's life. Of course, you don't and shouldn't wait until January 1st to begin changes in your life. You start a new day every morning, a new minute ever minute,
My friend, Margaux, is setting monthly goals for herself, so as not to get overwhelmed with all the things she hopes to see different in her life. I love that idea as it's not too overwhelming to pick an area of your life to fine tune for 30 days.
Last year's resolutions were more success than fail for me.
Blog regularly. Success.
Shop less at Walmart and purchase more WAHM stuff. Success in that I didn't shop at Walmart as often, but fail in that I didn't support many WAHMs. I made a lot of my own stuff instead.
Stop being so short with my husband. I think, success.
Make more stuff. SUCCESS. I made a lot of food, clothes, hair accessories, household items, canned everything in our garden, etc.
And on to this year's resolutions:
- Enjoy my family, every season, every stage, most moments.
- JOURNAL, write, record our life.
- Tactical learning for India. Hands-on crafts, no matter how messy, will be a part of our lives.
- Make MORE things. Clothes and accessories for India especially. I want to get back into making kombucha, homemade lotions and continue making homemade bread. I'd also like to try making water kefir, so if anyone has any great tips, send them my way! I'd love to be prepared enough to have homemade gifts made for special occasions as well.
- Get serious about my camera. I have a nice camera, but I need to take the time to get to know it.
- I'm half-tempted to work on my guitar skills, but I'm not so sure I can really commit to that. I'll put it in here anyways! Did you keep your resolutions from 2011? Have you made any New Year's Resolutions for 2012?