5 Question Friday! 10/26/12
Hey, hey, it's Friday! I'm sitting down to feed the baby and I figured it'd be a great opportunity to one-hand type all my answers! Be sure to link up at My Little Life if you want to participate!
3. What is the best compliment you have received?
Thinking back, I've received some really great compliments - some related to my physical body, some to my character, and some related to talents. I guess one of the best compliments I received was from this guy who reviews music for a popular magazine. He interviews musicians and also writes articles on new songs and albums, etc. Anyways, he heard me sing a song (a little nerve-wrecking singing in front of him once I knew that's what he did for a living - yikes!) and later told me that I "knocked that song out of the park" and sang it "as well or better" than the original recording artist. Pretty cool. You could say I smiled for a few days after that! :D
4. Do/did you dress up to take your kids trick or treating?
First off, I don't think ANY of us are getting dressed up this year. Long story, but in short, I had a lion costume for Mylo, a tiger costume for India, Dallas was going to be a bear and I was going to hold a sign that said 'Oh my!' You know, "Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!" But, Dallas has to work, so he won't be around and I don't feel like taking two tired kiddos, both overstimulated, one jacked up on sugar out in their costumes, dealing with car seats and cold MN weather all by myself. Call me a party pooper, but thankfully, my kids are too young to even notice or care. I would love to REALLY dress up but I can't justify spending more than $10 on my costume.
5. Do you have a favorite bible verse? What is it and why?
Only one?? Oy, this is tough. I really like Philippians 4:6 (NLT), which says, "Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done." I also enjoy Psalm 1 and the traditional Psalm 23 and Psalm 45:11. I *think* my favorite verse of all (I think) is 1 Corinthians 13:1-8, paraphrased as "Love always wins"!
1. Who wakes up in the morning with the kids, you or hubby?
I do. My husband gets up at 6am and leaves for work shortly thereafter. Not a chance the kiddos are getting up that early! They like to sleep in until at least 8am. And Mama doesn't mind that at all! ;)
2. Do you watch the World Series even if your team isn't in it?
We are Yankees fans in this house, so of course, we're bummed at their less-than-stellar performance this postseason. That aside, we do put the games on, but I don't pay too close of attention.
I do. My husband gets up at 6am and leaves for work shortly thereafter. Not a chance the kiddos are getting up that early! They like to sleep in until at least 8am. And Mama doesn't mind that at all! ;)
2. Do you watch the World Series even if your team isn't in it?
We are Yankees fans in this house, so of course, we're bummed at their less-than-stellar performance this postseason. That aside, we do put the games on, but I don't pay too close of attention.
3. What is the best compliment you have received?
Thinking back, I've received some really great compliments - some related to my physical body, some to my character, and some related to talents. I guess one of the best compliments I received was from this guy who reviews music for a popular magazine. He interviews musicians and also writes articles on new songs and albums, etc. Anyways, he heard me sing a song (a little nerve-wrecking singing in front of him once I knew that's what he did for a living - yikes!) and later told me that I "knocked that song out of the park" and sang it "as well or better" than the original recording artist. Pretty cool. You could say I smiled for a few days after that! :D
4. Do/did you dress up to take your kids trick or treating?
First off, I don't think ANY of us are getting dressed up this year. Long story, but in short, I had a lion costume for Mylo, a tiger costume for India, Dallas was going to be a bear and I was going to hold a sign that said 'Oh my!' You know, "Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!" But, Dallas has to work, so he won't be around and I don't feel like taking two tired kiddos, both overstimulated, one jacked up on sugar out in their costumes, dealing with car seats and cold MN weather all by myself. Call me a party pooper, but thankfully, my kids are too young to even notice or care. I would love to REALLY dress up but I can't justify spending more than $10 on my costume.
5. Do you have a favorite bible verse? What is it and why?
Only one?? Oy, this is tough. I really like Philippians 4:6 (NLT), which says, "Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done." I also enjoy Psalm 1 and the traditional Psalm 23 and Psalm 45:11. I *think* my favorite verse of all (I think) is 1 Corinthians 13:1-8, paraphrased as "Love always wins"!
Labels: 5 Question Friday, God