Tuesday, March 29, 2011

My 10 Rules of Facebook

1. Facebook is not Myspace.  In case you're still stuck in 2006, you don't have to 'pic comment 4 pic comment', have lots of friends you don't know or take lots of self-photos of yourself staring up into the camera with your doe eyes.

2. You don't have to 'Reply All' on messages.  No kidding, there was one chain message I happened to get accidently included in, and this sucker would not die, because all 756 people that were included in the message just had to "Reply All". 

3. Don't accept a friend request right away.  You won't look cool that way.  Let it sit for a day.  Or better yet, accumulate a couple new friend requests and respond to them at the same time.  You look way cool that way.

4. Stop making FB the place where you declare your love for your significant other.  It makes it really hard for us to believe (and also makes us roll our eyes and throw up in our mouths a bit) when you post updates like "Can't wait til my boo gets off work so we can make out on a bearskin rug in front of my fireplace".  And posting ridiculous love notes on each other's walls just makes us want to vomit too.  It makes us wonder why you are being so obnoxious and it REALLY makes us want to yell, in all uppercase, of course: GET A ROOM!  An occasional "I love you" or "Thanks for the flowers!" is acceptable.  It's just when one-third of your interaction on FB is with or about your significant other, and CHEESY well, you probably need some friends.

5. Grammar.  tH!s Izz N0tt apPROpri8Te gr@mMmma ~~3Va eVA ~neVa  N doNt 4gEt 2 uSee P3ruds  k thxxxxxx byee!!  Translation:  This is not appropriate grammar, ever, ever, NEVER!  And don't forget to use periods.  OK?  Thank you, goodbye.

6. Don't sync your Twitter and Facebook.  They are two separate entities for a reason.  They both serve a very different purpose.  There are great programs that allow for selective tweeting.

7. Status updates (several points) -
  • Don't post a newb status update, which was really intended to be a comment (my FAVORITE) - "It was great seeing you John!  I'll be sure to tell Cy hello.  I hope Kathy's sinuses are draining and the infection is healing up.  Will I see you next week at Kristin's concert?"
  • Don't blabber on about your significant other, see point #4.
  • Don't give one update about 12 different topics.  We don't know which one to comment on or if it's OK to click 'like'. "Finally cleaned my house and made dinner.  On the way home from the grocery store, my van broke down, but that's OK because my uncle is a mechanic. Does anyone have any good movie suggestions?"
  • Don't update too often. "Gosh, this toilet seat is cold."  "Has anyone seen my toothpaste?"  "What to wear, what to wear...."  "Oh shoot, I need to iron my shirt!"
  • Skip the boring updates, "I burned my toast this morning" and the TMI ones "My new underwire bra is really poking into my left boob and I really want to scratch it".
8. I don't want to join your farm, city, mob or cult.  If I do, I know exactly where to look: your wall, because that's all it's full of. 

9. 'Fess up to your stalking.  Nothing annoys me more than when I'm talking to someone about something going on in my life and they let it slip that somehow they knew that information.  Quickly putting two and two together, I know they found out those details from Facebook and I wish they would just admit that's where they saw it, or they were stalking, or at least leave a comment.  Much respect to those who confess to stalking.  I have a few that I stalk, but I comment on their stuff to let them know I'm there.  No one wants a creeper.  And for goodness sake, STOP pretending that you "are hardly ever on Facebook"!  We ALL know you are!

10. Don't poke anyone.  Ever.  It's inappropriate and not Christian-like.

The end.  And yes, I am guilty of some (maybe all) of these offenses.

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At March 29, 2011 at 12:11 PM , Blogger Crystal said...

So funny but true and I have broken most of those rules.

At March 29, 2011 at 12:26 PM , Blogger Uniquely Normal Mom said...

Me too! That's how I know they annoy people!

At March 29, 2011 at 2:13 PM , Blogger danielle said...

hahaha awesome!! this made me laugh at work, thanks! :0 the only one i'm holding to, though, is the poking. my college roommate and i haven't talked in months but we keep up our war that's been going on for years. :)

At March 29, 2011 at 5:02 PM , Blogger Vanessa said...

Yep definitely been guilty of some of these. The one I can't get away from though is #4. Chris loves to tease and show his love for me. Rather that be on fb or in real life, that is just how he is. I've gotten used to it now, but it did bother me at one point.

At March 29, 2011 at 6:51 PM , Blogger the mom~ said...

I love #4 the best...I think ti's totally cool and not cheesy to show FB love to your hubby/SO.
It makes me smile rather than barf...

At March 29, 2011 at 8:41 PM , Blogger Melissa said...

This? FUNNY.
You and me? Would have a riot over a cup of coffee.

At March 29, 2011 at 11:01 PM , Blogger Uniquely Normal Mom said...

Glad you LOL'ed at work. Success!

Vanessa & Salena - You all need to see a few of the people on my friends list....ALWAYS talking about and to their significant other. I talk about D, and you talk about your hubbies, but it's NOT obnoxious. There's just some things I don't want to know!

I KNOW we would, Melissa!!

At March 31, 2011 at 8:58 AM , Blogger CJ Olson said...

Some of these comments are great! But yeah I do some of them and I'm guilty of facebook stalking....sigh! Sometimes I comment sometimes I just don't know what to say! :-)
I like to do number 4 every once in a while because otherwise he doesn't have much on his wall!!
I delete the I commented on so and so's wall.....why clog up my wall with what I'm doing when I want to read what other people wrote to me!! :-)

At March 31, 2011 at 8:59 AM , Blogger CJ Olson said...

P.S. I see nothing wrong with poking!! Totally Christian like!! Letting you know that you are being thought of! ;-)

At March 31, 2011 at 1:46 PM , Blogger Uniquely Normal Mom said...

I've totally broke all of them, Caristy! It's all in fun! :)

At April 8, 2011 at 6:00 AM , Blogger CJ Olson said...

I have too....but you make me laugh! :-)

At April 29, 2011 at 4:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

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