Thursday, March 10, 2011

I'm unplugging from the world today

I am.  I'm unplugging today.

Remember when I begged you all to vote for my baby girl in a baby contest?  I won some really rad things, thanks to many of you who voted for my baby girl (sorry to those of you that developed carpal tunnel because of it)!  Some of the prizes that we won include a massage, a hair cut and color and some jewelry!  My wonderful husband and father of my child, took the day off of work so I can go to a nearby town and redeem some of the gifts!

I've also been a little crafty, making some knock-off boutique baby items (no photos, I'm not so confident in my work), so I will also be buying some more supplies for that with some gift certificates.

It is a huge thing for me to spend time on myself, because I could never justify buying a massage for myself or jewelry and I've been known to add a little lemon juice to my hair to make the blond last just a wee bit longer! 

Celebrating this way today really could not have come at a better time, as yesterday I reached my 100th post on this blog!!  Considering that most of those posts have come in less than 5 months, and I'm a pretty wordy blogger, well, I'm pleased.  For your enjoyment, I'm going to share my top five blog posts with you today!

A blog is a lot of work (I'm realizing this more and more every day as this really has become a part time job) and 100 posts, now 101, is a lot of hours (days, really) of writing and researching and editing photos and fact checking and missed meals! 

I am LOVING every minute of blogging and sharing my life with you all and I hope you all are enjoying life with me! 

When I write a blog post, I have no idea how read it will be.  I NEVER would have guessed that three of these posts would make it to the top (hello, lactation cookies?).  I just write what is on my mind or about what I am knowledgeable in, but it always surprises me about what people want to read about. 

So, while I'm relaxing, unplugging and celebrating today, I thought I would share my Top 5 posts with you.

Enjoy, and hopefully I'll be back soon with some new ideas!

1. India Josephine's birth story
2. Shame on you, John Piper
3. This ain't your average milk & cookies (lactation cookies)
4. Are breastfeeding mothers being obscene?
5. Yes! I do wear my baby!

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