Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Shame on you, John Piper

I normally steer clear of major religious talk on my blog.  Because even though I am a Christian, I don't feel equipped to share deeply.  But something happened on Saturday in the Christian world, that still has my blood boiling.

If you weren't around this weekend, I'll give you a brief synopsis.  Rob Bell, the pastor at Mars Hill Church in Michigan, and even more well-known for his intriguing Nooma series, books and messages, has a new book coming out this month that has already been touted as highly controversial. 

 Justin Taylor, a blogger, wrote an article detailing his disdain for Bell and his book, which he hasn't read.  He based it off of the publisher's words about the book and the video promotion for the book.

Twitter basically blew up.  I was watching it happen, as Rob Bell's name was suddenly trending on Twitter - something that doesn't happen to Christians, or people of note, unless they die.

I'm not the biggest Rob Bell fan in the world, actually, I'm not a fan of very many preachers, but I have been blessed by him.

There have been many times, where I couldn't stomach another Sunday in church, or didn't want to bother being identified as a Christian, because I am SO embarrassed by the way we treat each other and the way we view the world.  Rob Bell has reminded me in those times to center with my Jesus, my God and His word.I've seen several of Bell's Nooma videos and one in particular, still plays in my mind, even now.  I don't agree with him on everything, but I haven't found one person that I agree with 100% theologically.  Have you?

As I read Justin Taylor's blog, I was saddened.  Not by what he was saying about Rob Bell's book so much, but for several other reasons.

 OK, for one, Taylor didn't read the book. That is a big point in itself.

And secondly, anyone who has ever watched of heard Rob Bell, knows he is edgy for a reason. He leaves many things open-ended, and leaves the opportunity for you to delve into the Scriptures. For the most part, he doesn't tell you how to believe. He leaves you thinking. I prefer his ambiguous nature to that of many teachers who are 'so assured' in their hermeneutics.

Without question, the description of this book is meant to leave you thinking and also shelling out the cash to read it when it releases. 

Mission accomplished.

I'm not here to argue Rob Bell's theology or question the universalist tone (that is another post) that has been set by Love Wins: A Book About Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived.

But what has irked me the most was this post on Twitter:

John Piper

Farewell Rob Bell. (link)

Really, John Piper?  That's what you have to say to Rob Bell, someone who has done great work in bringing a wayward generation closer to our God?  Really, John Piper, that's all you have to say to a brother?  You chose to publicly humiliate him?  Or did you ask him to coffee and discuss this?  Or maybe you called him on the phone and heard his heart?  Or at the very least, did you send him an e-mail, telling him you would pray for him?  Or maybe you read the book?

And hundreds of other Christians jumped on the Hatewagon, and tweeted and blogged and made a laughingstock of Christianity.

Shame on you, John Piper and others who vaunt and are so quick to dismiss and judge.


Why are we as Christians so eager to watch and condemn?  Why do we want to see Rob Bell fall?  Why do we huff around and pridefully proclaim, "Yep, I was right!"  Why are we so quick to judge?  Why do we give Rob Bell more of our time and greivances than we do some of the big dilemmas of the world?

Shouldn't our hearts grieve if our brother is off?   Shouldn't we be sad?  Why the self-righteous attitudes?  Why the pious comments?  

If Rob Bell is really that off, it greatly concerns me that these people are more excited to gloat in their 'rightness' (not righteousness), while they pat each other on the back for their sleuth skills, than feel the heart of God towards this situation. 

Apparently, they forgot humility, grace, prayer, compassion and love, the stalwarts of our faith, while consumed with the degradation of potentially many human beings.  They are more concerned with smearing Rob Bell's name, in order to jack their name one mark higher in the Kingdom of this World.

I once heard a very wise man say that we should NEVER rejoice when a scandal (or perhaps erroneous theology) is discovered in the Kingdom of God. 

The last thing we need as Christians is another name-calling, judgmental, mess to drag the name of Christ through the mud one more time, so the world can watch and laugh.

But it seems that that is just what has been created, by those who call themselves spiritual. 

If it breaks my heart this much, I can't imagine what God, our Father feels.

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At March 1, 2011 at 11:43 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Amen! I am so proud of you!

I am reminded of the words to this bible camp song.

Oh if we could get this down!

We are one in the Spirit
We are one in the Lord
We are one in the Spirit
We are one in the Lord

And we pray that all unity
May one day be restored
And they’ll know we are Christians
By our love, By our love
Yes, they’ll know we are Christians
By our love

We will walk with each other
We will walk hand in hand
We will walk with each other
We will walk hand in hand
And together we’ll spread the news
That God is in our land

We will work with each other
We will work side by side
We will work with each other
We will work side by side
And we’ll guard each man’s dignity
And save each man’s pride

All praise to the Father
From whom all things come
And all praise to Christ Jesus His only son
And all praise to the Spirit
Who makes us one

Make us one, Lord!

At March 1, 2011 at 11:53 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Baby. All I can say right now is WELL DONE! You have the heart of our Lord. I'm so proud to have you as my wife. :)

At March 1, 2011 at 12:33 PM , Blogger T, B, Z, J, M & I said...

Well said. The part that hurts me the most is the reason you said Rob Bell has spoken to you. That sometimes we can't stomach going to church or being associated as a Christian because of how Christians treat each other. Why on earth are they treating Rob Bell like this? How does that make them someone who we should look to for guidance, advise, interpretation of the scriptures as teachers? No matter how right or wrong Rob Bell is, John Piper's actions/reactions to him are no more right.

I typically shy away from public religious conversations for I typically feel that someone who "knows" the Bible more will back me into a corner and I will get stuck. Thank you for posting this.

At March 1, 2011 at 2:04 PM , Blogger Talmadge Hobbs said...

One question first (this is my initial visit) "what is 'uniquely normal'?" Just askin'...lOl

Ok, to your point, I agree! And I've been at this "Christian" thing a lot longer than you and I wholeheartedly AGREE. But waaaay too often we just kluck-kluck and walk away shaking our heads, sad but not really willing to step out and state what you have said. Great job!

Oswald (great name "Oswald") Chambers said that our eyes to discern sin are gifts from God. We should confront sin (see Matt 18) and then become the sinner's chief intercessor with our Father, not his chief inquisitor.

I share your disappointment with Dr. Piper's public dismissal.

That being said, edgy for a reason doesn't necessarily lead some to dig into scripture for truth (or THE TRUTH). He, and we, can lead someone into scripture and maybe that's what the book will do. Although the title "seems" to provide some definite answers. I may actually have to buy it and see.

However, those who have asked where is grace and compassion and mercy and PATIENCE have asked rightly.

Yet we MUST not refuse to worship collectively because we "Christians are such hypocrites." Of course we are. We are a seriously flawed bunch. Pulling back from such is the very thing Hebrews warns us about.

Gen, I just may have to read your blog more often.


At March 1, 2011 at 6:56 PM , Blogger Vanessa said...

I'm just becoming aware of all of this now (seriously questioning where I was this weekend??). Anyway, here is my thought on what you were saying Gen. Whether or not Rob Bell is a universalist or more liberal in his Christian beliefs is not the issue. The issue is that a "Christian" pastor sent a rather condescending tweet that called out Rob Bell unfairly and once again affirmed to the rest of the world that Christianity is not what those portray it to be. And that my friends is sad.

At March 1, 2011 at 9:04 PM , Blogger Kelly said...

I was surprised to see Piper's comment, too. Piper doesn't usually publicly enter the negative world, and because of this... the gravity of what he tweeted was real, not just some off the wall remark. I completely respect his comment.

And honestly, what makes his public comment to Bell any different than your public comment to Piper? He tweeted a few words... you devoted a whole blog post to him?

No harm intended, just curious.

At March 1, 2011 at 9:27 PM , Blogger Uniquely Normal Mom said...

Thanks, Devora, Dallas and Becky.

Talmadge - like what Oswald Chambers had to say. I truly want to have compassion on all parties.

Vanessa - Yes, I think we once again, sent a poor message. We even have celebrities joking about Piper vs. Bell.

Hi Kelly,
I in no way meant to add fuel to this fire, but felt like I had a different opinion flowing from my heart. It was just hard for me to see the response of John Piper and many others who celebrated with Tweets on Saturday.

The gravity on which John Piper's comment hinged was surreal. He entered the realm, knowing full-well that a man of his stature was surely going to bring about some sort of demise to Rob Bell. And it did, because no matter what his book says, what Justin Taylor and John Piper said have tainted the blogosphere.

Rob Bell didn't belittle or dismiss anyone (that I know of), but what John Piper said, even though it was small, had volume that will carry, whether it was based on truth or not.

I don't know Justin Taylor, but I've enjoyed Piper before, and thus, was greatly disappointed with his response, as I respected him and thought he would respond differently.

I hope that answers your question.

At March 2, 2011 at 6:28 AM , Anonymous Theophilus said...

I find it interesting that you have dedicated an entire blog post to judging and condemning John Piper for, well, judging and condemning people. It's particularly ironic that you fault Justin Taylor (and by extension, Piper) for jumping to conclusions from reading only the publisher's summary of Bell's book, and yet your criticism of Piper comes from a mere 3 words and a link on Twitter.

Is it just me, or is the pot calling the kettle black?

At March 2, 2011 at 11:46 AM , Blogger Uniquely Normal Mom said...

Theophilus - I addresed some of your questions in my previous comment. You might want to read that.

The thing is, I didn't (and neither did Bell) do the same thing as John Piper, Justin Taylor and others did to Rob Bell. I haven't belittled their faith, excommunicated them, told others not to follow them, cheered while they 'fell' or accused them of heresy. Big difference.

I have enjoyed some of Piper's stuff, and as a man of great influence, persuausion, and a leader of the faith, I expected more from him. I was hoping for a "you who are spiritual should restore him" approach.

It's not judgment or condemnation. It's a cry for justice.

At March 3, 2011 at 1:04 AM , Blogger Sarah said...

Gen, this is a very well-written post and I couldn't agree with you more.

At August 9, 2011 at 12:11 PM , Anonymous Theophilus said...

I find it interesting that you have dedicated an entire blog post to judging and condemning John Piper for, well, judging and condemning people. It's particularly ironic that you fault Justin Taylor (and by extension, Piper) for jumping to conclusions from reading only the publisher's summary of Bell's book, and yet your criticism of Piper comes from a mere 3 words and a link on Twitter.

Is it just me, or is the pot calling the kettle black?

At August 9, 2011 at 12:11 PM , Anonymous Val and Talmadge said...

One question first (this is my initial visit) "what is 'uniquely normal'?" Just askin'...lOl

Ok, to your point, I agree! And I've been at this "Christian" thing a lot longer than you and I wholeheartedly AGREE. But waaaay too often we just kluck-kluck and walk away shaking our heads, sad but not really willing to step out and state what you have said. Great job!

Oswald (great name "Oswald") Chambers said that our eyes to discern sin are gifts from God. We should confront sin (see Matt 18) and then become the sinner's chief intercessor with our Father, not his chief inquisitor.

I share your disappointment with Dr. Piper's public dismissal.

That being said, edgy for a reason doesn't necessarily lead some to dig into scripture for truth (or THE TRUTH). He, and we, can lead someone into scripture and maybe that's what the book will do. Although the title "seems" to provide some definite answers. I may actually have to buy it and see.

However, those who have asked where is grace and compassion and mercy and PATIENCE have asked rightly.

Yet we MUST not refuse to worship collectively because we "Christians are such hypocrites." Of course we are. We are a seriously flawed bunch. Pulling back from such is the very thing Hebrews warns us about.

Gen, I just may have to read your blog more often.


At August 9, 2011 at 12:11 PM , Anonymous Dallas said...

Hey Baby. All I can say right now is WELL DONE! You have the heart of our Lord. I'm so proud to have you as my wife. :)


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