Thursday, August 2, 2012

Hospital Packing List

It's always kind of fun to dig in another person's suitcase.  What?  You don't rummage through a stranger's suitcase?  ;-)  Well, I'm going to share with you what is in my suitcase for the hospital. 

Since I'm due NOW, I thought it'd be a good time to pack for the hospital.  Just kidding.  No, I've been packed since about 38 weeks.  But mentally, I've known what I'm going to bring since my last birth two years ago.

When I went into labor with my daughter, I didn't have much packed.  We had been really busy and hadn't had much time to prepare for the big day(s).  Maybe some of you remember how I begged my husband to install the car seat for weeks beforehand but he was too busy and so I ended up installing it by myself WHILE in labor

That is NOT happening again! 

I over pack all the time.  I will admit that I could be on the list of Overpackers Anonymous, leading the crew and unfortunately, my husband could join me.  We pack differently though.  I bring 3 outfits per day and he brings 13 electronic devices or adapting cords per day.  Thank God he has a Kindle, otherwise, he'd still haul around his 30 pound briefcase with a couple of LARGE reference Bibles, laptop, magazines and several books. 

With our first baby, we over packed.  I knew that at the time and I didn't care, but this time, I'm trying to only bring the essentials!  It's kind of a theme that I'm trying to let resonate throughout my entire life...worry only about the essentials!

What I will bring to the hospital: 
1. Bathrobe
2. Nursing PJs, just in case.  I wore the hospital gowns postpartum and I'll probably do the same this time - less laundry and mess for me!
3. Flippy floppys.  I wore these like slippers last time and it worked great!
4. Cameras.  Absolutely!
5. A list of who to call and who to text with the good news.
6. My laptop. 
7. A boy take home outfit and a girl take home outfit.
8. A boy swaddle blanket and a girl swaddle blanket.
9. A small, handheld mirror.  I wanted to look decent for visitors and pictures, but getting up and doing hair and makeup in the large mirror wasn't my favorite thing.  With a small mirror, I can nurse or hold the baby and touch up my makeup all while laying in bed.  Nice.
10. My favorite snacks for postpartum. Licorice and dark chocolate sound perfect.
11. Earth Mama Bottom Balm and Earth Mama New Mama Bottom Spray.  In fact, this whole postpartum kit is highly recommended!  I use crappy Dermoplast that the hospital provided for the first day before I switched to Earth Mama Angel Baby Products and I can't even describe the difference in relief!
12. Relief for afterbirth pains.  They got me pretty good with India and they only get worse with subsequent pregnancies, or so I've heard.  Arnica Montana, magnesium phosphate, Monthly Comfort Tea and Afterease Tincture are options.
13. Lansinoh cream, coconut oil and nursing pads.  I didn't need these during my first hospital stay, but I've heard your milk can come in faster with second pregnancies.
14. Chapstick, makeup, and lotion. No shampoo because I'm poo free!
15.  Journal and baby book.  Those first emotions, so weighed down with hormones, are precious to capture.  
16. A hand fan.  This was the BEST labor item we had with.   My husband used it to fan me gently during contractions.
17. Comfy clothes for me.  As stated, I wore the hospital gown for the first day or two because it was less laundry for me, but I will have a couple shirts, a pair of shorts and a pair of pants with if I choose to wear them.  
18.  A birthing skirt.  I didn't buy or make one, but I just used a wrap skirt from India (conveniently, I ended up having a girl and naming her India).  I could easily untie it and didn't have to lift my legs, it wasn't too tight and I felt very comfortable in it.
19. Boppy pillow.  I brought this last time and said I wouldn't do it again, but I didn't have hardly any breastfeeding issues with India, so a regular pillow sufficed.  But I figure I can bring it with and leave it in the car to use when/if needed. 

My stuff and Baby's stuff is all packed and ready to go!

What I won't bring again:

1. Massage/birthing helps - I couldn't even talk in between contractions because I was vomiting and shaking so I had no time to tell anyone what I wanted/needed.  Even if I could have talked, I didn't want much touching me.  My hospital has plenty of useful helps if needed.
2. 8,034 articles of clothing - I'm just sticking with the basics.  A couple shirts and comfy pants.
3. Pads - The hospital provided me with plenty for my stay.  I can always send the husband out to buy HUGE maxi pads if I would need more.  He'd love to do that!
4.  Books and playing cards.  Excuse me, but who has time to do that during labor?!?  I can understand if you're opting for the epidural, but even natural labor sites suggested these items.  "Excuse me from this game of Pinochle, I'm having a contraction."  No.  And afterwards?  I just wanted to kiss my baby!  I wasn't bored for one minute last time!

My bag is packed, I'm ready to go!  Now all I need is a baby! 

What did you find useful in your hospital bag?  Am I missing anything? 

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At August 2, 2012 at 7:40 PM , Anonymous CJ Olson said...

I had clothes for me, clothes for the baby, nursing pad, make up & my favorite shower gel & lotion for my first wonderful post birth shower. I had a magazine for the times that baby was out of the room. I also had my iPod for music to listen too & I had an eye mask for sleeping at night. For my last birth I was in a shared room & the woman didn't share the tv remote so it was all shows in Chinese. I brought my toothpaste & toothbrush. I also had a small gift wrapped for my two boys from my baby so they felt included in all the excitement. I also brought my pregnancy book....the book that I kept all my information in about my pregnancies & labors.

At August 2, 2012 at 9:04 PM , Anonymous annaliseree said...

chapstick!!!  All 3 of my labors I have been desperate for chapstick the whole time!  :o)

At August 3, 2012 at 9:42 AM , Anonymous Robin Czarnecki said...

I agree with CJ.  I brought my own body wash and a loofah.  I can't remember if you mentioned a hairbrush or not.  I am so excited for your family!

At August 9, 2012 at 5:26 PM , Anonymous Salena said...

I took my own towels for my second birth. With my first birth the hospital towels felt like sandpaper on my newly nursed on nipples and body...OUCH!

At August 24, 2012 at 1:16 PM , Anonymous Elise said...

I needed new, warm socks for the cold & shakes immediately following birth & stitching! I also brought my own ponytail holder & bath products. I had to have my favorite lotion. To smell good, feel good & for baby to know that this.smell. Is mama!
I wore the hospital gown the 1st day & my " I do not care if this gets ruined" nightie the next day.
The MoSt important thing I brought to the hospital was my awesome husband!
I wish I could have had a TLC like crew to capture it all because important moments seem foggy even though I was right there. I blame pain & exhaustion for that :)
I wish I had remembered to get his hand prints since the hospital does not do that. So... I have a blank page in his baby book. But the names of precious people that came, held & rejoiced in the miracle of his life ArE in there!
I also feel very strongly about names. 1st we wanted biblical names & also wanted familial names. Both of our boys have their great-grandfather's & grandfather's middle names & 1st names are from the bible. SiGNifiGaNce... MeaNing... That was important to us!


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