Friday, February 10, 2012

5 Question Friday! 2/10

It's the weekend!  Yay!  Here's a few questions from My Little Life.  If you want, be sure to answer these questions yourself and link up! 

Enjoy and have a great weekend!

1. How often do you shave your legs in the winter?

Really? This is the question you want to start me with? And really, how honest do I need to be?  Like, BFF honest or it's-only-going-to-take-me-two-minutes-at-Target honest?  Since we're kind of like besties around here...OK, well, I'm pregnant and I have prenatal appointments monthly, so you could say my shaving routine coincides with my appointments.  Wouldn't want my midwife gettin' all tangled up in forest that overtakes my legs. ;-)  Cue the music: Welcome to the jungle it gets worse here it bring you to your kn, kn, kn, kn, kn, knees, knees! 

2. Valentine's Day cards for your spouse: funny or romantic?
Neither.  I think waste of money should be an option.  I think cards in general are a complete waste.  Why do I want to spend $3.99 on something you don't even read, except whose signature is on the bottom?  Then you throw it away.  Waste.

3. What are you most looking forward to about spring?
Open windows, sunshine, heat, fresh scents, garage sale-ing, warmth, walks outside, gardening, flowers, heat,...shall I go on? 

4. What's your favorite way to pamper yourself?
Reading.  Blogs and news articles and educational books.  Actually, anything educational and informative.  Give me a novel and I want to shoot myself.  Hand me a medical journal and I can't put it down.  And I really like to cook.  When my daughter isn't around. Alright, I really need to probably de-nerd after telling you all that, so wait, I meant, I love to get manicures.  And if you know me, you're laughing, because I'd say manicures are a huge waste of money and toxic.  Dangit.  I can't even fool you about my semi-coolness because Question #1 got me all set up to be honest.  

5. Does your tax return go into savings or do you spend it instantly?
Oh no, I'm a saver.  If it's up to me, not a dime will be spent on anything.  Unless it's a financial investment, that money won't go anywhere for a long while!  Maybe it'll be saved for a down payment for a new house or put into savings for the minivan I want.  Shoot, there's my nerdiness coming out again.



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